Looking for help with your small business?
Start, build & grow with the city of Mississauga
The city of Mississauga offers help to entrepreneurs thinking about starting up a new business or wishing to grow their existing business.
- The Mississauga Business Enterprise Centre (MBEC) offers
- FREE business information and resources
- FREE one-on-one business consultants
- FREE business plan reviews
- Low cost workshops
- Low cost online business training courses
- Young entrepreneur programs and much more.
Connect with MBEC today and see what they can do to help you and your small business thrive.
Mississauga Central Library
301 Burnhamthrope Rd., W, 4th Floor
Phone: 905-615-4460
Email: mbec@mississauga.ca

Blue W Program
The Malton BIA is joining a growing movement with other Mississauga businesses in supporting Peel Region’s Blue W Program. This program is designed to promote municipal tap water as a healthy, easily accessible alternative to purchasing bottled drinks.
Program participation is easy. Simply register online at www.bluew.org, then grant free tap water refills to those with reusable water bottles. That is all there is to it.
Upon registration at www.bluew.org, your business will be included on the Blue W website as a destination for free, tap water refills. You will also be given a window decal so the community members will recognize your business as a supporter of this program.
We are looking for local business owners interested in participating in this program and putting Malton on the map as supporters of free, clean drinkable tap water. Register your business today!